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Topic Education (Топик Образование)

Topic Education (Топик Образование)

Topic «Education» (Топик на английском языке «Образование»)

First of all we connect education with school. School is the priority that means a lot in our life, on what our future depends. This is the establishment where we learn ABC, ac quire deep knowledge to get a profession, a better position in society. This is the institution where our abilities are developed and where we obtain necessary skills to explore new ideas and habits for constant study and work. This is the place where we learn to appreciate the encouragement of teachers, support of our classmates, the real value of communication and friendship.
Our school is situated in a small street close to a picturesque forest where informative excursions and sport activities can be held. Our school is a state school with some «action» facilities which include indoor sport gyms, large playing fields, and computer classes. All these facilities are located within the premises of the school. I wish our school had a superb range of sporting and academic facilities and a network of computers around the building. Our school is a three storied building where there are workshops for boys and girls, gyms a canteen, a library and classrooms for pupils.
We study a lot of subjects, none of them is optional. In all subjects we are supposed to get deep knowledge, to cope with all sorts of tasks, to do our work good enough. Besides, the aim of school presupposes to bring up creative personalities from its pupils. Obviously, without encouraging personal teaching it can hardly work.
The real education has to be a preparation for the future, when students are able to decide things for themselves as free individuals, free by self-knowledge and self-control. In the future one has to be culturally adaptable and adept at languages. The real education should produce the most well-round and the most employable adult, who will be able to market his skills across the continent, not only his country.
The aim of education should be to use childhood and adolescence to create emotional wholeness and personal strength, to develop a self-regulating character, because the human personality is a five fold constitution: it is a body, a life, a mind, a psychic and a spiritual being. None of these fundamentals stands disconnected from the others.
The aim of education can be achieved with the help of creating collaboration between teachers, parents and children. Thus, the teacher is a sculptor of young personality. Such profession demands of this man great generosity of soul, love for pupils and devotion to his work, talent to release the latent genius from a child.
But the profession isn’t something stable. In our schools today we feel shortage of progressive tutors which can teach with a new modern approach. Certainly, schools buy computers for children and teachers use whiteboards or even TFT monitors or digital projectors rather than old blackboards. Some institutions even keep in touch with parents by internet .Although if we compare with driverless cars, speech and text recognition and implantation of internal organs, financial services and any other innovation, teaching still stays really disconnected from technology. The policy of school teaching should change according to the modern requirements. Technology can improve education in many ways and there is real scope for further progress but there is no doubt real human interaction is essential. Human beings are not only hardware to be loaded with as much programs as possible. Technology is great when it’s used well in an appropriate fashion. Otherwise it’s just another distraction kids and teachers don’t need.
Learning is not only cramming the child’s brain with useful information, but teaching a child thinking skills through making right decisions and correct choices. School must stir the curiosity and creativity of pupils and not grow up a submissive machine. Children should not only be introduced to science, figures and computers but taught that communicating and skills used in fact are as important as knowledge itself. They must be aware of grammar, but not bombarded with boring terms. A report should be an interesting discovery and not a boring obligation.
The problem of education lies in the lack of ability to communicate. It has been proved that the education we get in our country is much better than that students get in more developed countries. Why not open some programs for teenagers who have problems or why not get kids involved in the process of studying with a help of a mobile-compatible learning portal where staff and students can work collaboratively. What is even more important, we have to motivate teachers and raise their salaries. We are to show all the true respect for them, so that these people will start to work to the full of their ability.
Children need more communication and soul put into schooling process. In my opinion that is the key to success if our country wants to raise teenagers who will not get involved in trouble and who will want to help their country.
To crown it all I’d like to mention that it very often happens that the curriculum squeezes subjects like Music, Art, and Drama. But Art is a mighty means of expression and it is important to make connections between Art, learning and the curriculum to help the growing soul to draw out the best and make it perfect for a noble use.

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